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Freaky Night

Loose Ends

There are 149 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
123034 walks 62056
123039 Explore it 62058
123040 turn back 62058
123063 Rides 62068
123066 South West bathroom 62069
123068 decide to use the other bathroom 62070
123069 go somewhere else 62070
123071 just go in there 62071
123072 not 62071
123073 runnnn!!! 62072
123075 Head for the entrance 62073
123076 go ride a coaster 62073
123077 Go to the magic room 62073
123078 go to the 3D theater 62073
123079 go to a food stall 62073
123086 Order a coffee 62075
123088 leave 62076
123090 go check the basement 62076
123091 walk in further 62078
123092 run out! 62078
123094 Go to Toms house 62079
123095 Go to Brads house 62079
123099 Take a shower 62080
123100 Watch some TV 62080
123101 Prepare dinner 62080
123104 hide in the bathroom 62081
123105 stay in your room 62081
123107 run down stairs 62082
123108 Call ghostbusters 62083
123109 Find your digital camera, the flash kills ghosts. 62083
123110 Meditate and try to find out what he/she wants 62083
123112 jump back, and grab the digital camera on the table 62085
123113 call up the last person who lived in the house and ask who died 62085
123114 try punching the ghost 62085
123117 Forget it your going home 62086
123118 ok time to go home! 62087
123119 find some bags around and stuff em with free food and toys then run off! 62087
123120 stay, fuck it 62087
123121 popcorn stall? 62088
123122 cotton candy stall? 62088
123124 Burger joint? 62088
123127 Just walk, bad idea 62089
123128 ditch the motor bike and go on the nearest ride? 62090
123129 keep the motor bike and try the pizza stall? 62090
123130 leave? 62090
123133 Just go with it 62091
123134 go through the path 62093
123135 Just chill here 62093
123139 Leave 62095
123141 Kick her 62096
123142 punch her 62096
123143 try to escape and run 62096
123144 Push her back 62097
123145 just let her keep shaking you 62097
123146 ...Macy, bound and gagged to an office chair. 62098
123147 ...a stereotypical masked villain. 62098
123148 ...a blue box, which resembled a telephone booth. 62098
123149 check the second stall 62099
123150 hesitate then check the second stall 62099
123151 Check the towel dispenser 62099
123152 Leave 62099
123153 finally leave! 62100
123154 catch a strange glimpse in the mirror 62100
123155 leave through main entrance 62101
123157 ask if you can use the bathroom real quick 62101
123158 leave through back there 62101
123159 Just keep sitting there like a damn idiot 62101
123161 call the police from your cell 62102
123162 run up and outside 62102
123163 Scream 62102
123164 Start to cry and cautiously check the place 62102
123167 try whippin out your cell and call the police 62105
123168 pretend to faint 62105
123169 run out 62105
123170 try attacking them 62105
123171 by the bathroom... 62106
123172 doze off... 62107
123173 stay awake through out the whole ride 62107
123195 Forget it your staying home 62117
123250 Sure thing. I'll be right over. 62154
123252 Something Else. 62154
123590 you have money pay him in cash 62286
123592 you make macy pay 62286
123593 you run out the limo 3 blocks before the theater hope he doesnt catch you! 62286
123594 make up some excuse that you forgot your money 62286
123596 Macy calls the limo 62287
123597 Uhh? Can I pay you or what? 62288
123599 What... the fuck? 62288
123601 "Uhh... guess we cant pay you then,.. bye!" 62289
123602 Run out of the vehicle 62289
123603 try to knock the driver out 62289
123604 Stay put like an idiot 62289
123606 Smack him and run out 62290
123607 Just run out 62290
123608 Choice A... suck him off.... 62291
123609 Choice B Go to his place 62291
123610 Choice C Prostitution at a bar? 62291
123611 RUNNNNN!!!!!!!! THIS GUY IS SICK!!!! 62291
123615 Slap him 62292
123616 Just suck his dick 62292
123617 Let him call the police 62292
123618 He falls for it 62293
123623 Go to the arcade 62295
123624 Ask him to go to movies for you 62295
123625 Forget about it 62295
123626 Ask him to go on a date 62295
123627 Ask him to go to the movies 62296
123629 Forget it, stay home 62296
123630 Forget it call some one else 62296
123631 Go with her? 62297
123632 Nah stay home 62297
123633 Call someone else 62297
123634 Beg 62297
125241 Enjoy it 63077
125242 Strip off into swimsuit 63078
125245 Pull yourself out and strip off the wet clothes 63079
125246 Continue swimming 63079
125251 Take caution, there is something suspicious about this 63083
125252 Shove a slice in Brads face 63083
125253 feel a hand over your mouth and black out 63084
125254 Keep eating with no interuptions 63084
126325 watch a scary movie 63433
126326 play spin the bottle 63433
126327 go swimming in the pool 63433
129493 Kill him 65191
129494 Shove him out of the limo and drive off 65191
130891 The Mexican Place 65823
130893 The park 65823
130894 Your House 65823
130896 The haunted house 65824
130897 Mean Girls 65824
130898 Toy story 65824
130899 yup, bye! 65825
130900 maybe later..... 65825
130902 bye. (freak) 65826
130903 no, i'm sorry, let's go. 65826
144942 Smile and say anything you want 73313
144943 Bite your lip and get on top of him 73313
146671 Go into another room 74419
146672 Get the hell outta there 74419
146673 I'm telling ya, get out! 74420
146677 die 74421
168895 Try to break open the door! 86340
168896 Try to team up with Brad and Tom and kick his ass! 86340
168897 Try to call the police from the payphone! 86340
168898 Ask for another cup of coffee 86340
169725 Deny it 86802