Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The assassin

Loose Ends

There are 47 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
114303 You look up at the builcing on your left and find a window. You decide to break in to the building on your left through the window 57488
114305 Fuck whatever alrms they have and limp through them 57489
114307 Climb the ladder, and climb a building instead 57489
114314 Go another way 57494
114318 Click here for Part II 57496
114434 Shoot him 57540
114435 Wait for him to say something 57540
114437 You ignore the NOW! 57541
114438 WTF is NOW! 57541
114439 WTF altogether 57541
114441 Because you never killed anyone 57542
114442 Why what? 57542
114444 Open your eyes 57544
114446 Try and escape 57544
114447 Open your eyes and insult the Germans 57544
114449 Act dead, somehow 57545
114450 Ask them what they want and cooperate 57545
114454 Ask what he wants and cooperate now 57547
114456 Act dead 57547
114457 Okay, i'll obey 57548
114458 Fuck you, i'll do what i like 57548
114459 Act dead 57548
116766 throw a knife and hope for the best 58757
116767 smoke bomb to escape 58757
116768 give yourself up to the guard 58757
116769 kill yourself 58757
155393 Take the guard out 79069
155394 Retry scaling the building 79069
155395 Escape the facility 79069
155396 Try to jump the fence 79070
155397 Go back to the facility and enter 79070
155398 Search for another way around the fence 79070
182789 Find something you can use to get over the wall. 93323
182790 Force the guard to scan his eyes, fingers and swipe his keycard...Somehow. 93323
182792 Give up. 93323
183691 Surrender 93826
183692 Use the pepper bombs. 93826
183693 Ask them to fight you - one-on-one - no weapons. 93826
183694 Surrender 93827
183695 Use the pepper bombs. 93827
183698 Command that someone else fights you. 93828
183699 Use your knife. 93828
183700 Attack his face. 93829
183701 Climb over the gate! 93829
183702 Surrender. 93829
204247 Wake up from reality. 104741
204248 Think of something else. 104741