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The Villain Manifesto

Loose Ends

There are 11 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
88301 Try to press on through the darkness - you <i>really</i> don't want to be asleep if there are Elven druids about! 44107
88311 Make your way east around the outskirts of town - perhaps you will discover a beaten path that you can follow. 44115
88356 Make your way east around the outskirts of town - perhaps you will discover a beaten path that you can follow. 44135
89035 Try to press on through the darkness - you <i>really</i> don't want to be asleep if there are Elven druids about! 44538
89238 Try to press on through the darkness - you <i>really</i> don't want to be asleep if there are Elven druids about! 44644
89267 "Sleeping! What did it <i>look</i> like?" 44661
89268 "I meant no harm, sir. I was merely resting before continuing on my way." 44661
89269 "I was hunting for Elven druids... <i>seen any?</i>" 44661
89270 "Sleeping! What did it <i>look</i> like?" 44662
89271 "I meant no harm, sir. I was merely resting before continuing on my way." 44662
89272 "I was hunting for Elven druids... <i>seen any?</i>" 44662