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Loose Ends

There are 16 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
383631 Middle door2 203693
383632 Right door2 203693
385144 left door3 204409
385145 right door3 204409
385146 *Requires all items 1,2,3* Go to next room 204409
386765 Explore 205286
386766 use computers 205286
386767 destroy them 'cas why not 205286
386768 test4 205286
386770 ok... 205287
386772 ok... 205288
386774 ok... 205289
386776 Yes 205290
386778 Yes 205291
386780 Ok... 205292
391578 *Requires all items from door1,2,3* Yes 207744