Gangster king

Loose Ends

There are 14 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
349646 Try to grab the ak47 186261
349647 Take out your knife instead 186261
349648 Surrender 186261
349649 Throw a grenade 186261
349601 Shoot the cops outside of the van 186248
349602 Shoot all the men inside of the van 186248
349616 Fake joining them and then escape 186254
349617 Grab the woman's ak47 and then shoot everyone you can 186254
349618 Take a grenade out of your pocket and take whoever you can with you to hell 186254
352100 Accept your fate 187725
352101 Find somewhere to put the chain 187725
352102 Put the chain onto the dead driver 187725
352103 Put the chain onto yourself 187725
352104 Throw the chain 187725