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Mystical Dreams

Loose Ends

There are 11 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
5703 Look back out the door to see if everything is back to normal. 2730
5704 Stay there. I'm not moving from this spot!!!!! There's enough weird stuff here! 2730
5705 Ride the cloud!!!!! 2731
5706 Ride the square boulder!!!! 2731
5709 The torch one! Evil laugh equals evil person! 2733
5710 The properly lit one. Who's scared of a laugh that sounds different? 2733
5711 PSSHT!! None! I'm screaming my lungs out!!! 2733
5963 The snakes...adventure waiting to happen! 2829
5965 Neither, go up the stairs! 2829
27177 Eat the Apple 12706
27178 Speak to the woman 12706