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Bernadette's Awkward Situation!

Loose Ends

There are 34 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
340395 Tripped over a rock. 181311
340403 Tried to back out of the hole but was surprised to find that she couldn't. 181315
340407 She suddenly heard a knock at the front door. 181317
340613 dark blue panties 181429
340838 Was shocked to discover that she couldn't! 181533
341046 Came out straight away! 181660
341320 She still didn't move a single inch. 181816
341322 Call for help! 181818
341508 Her husband Howard! 181915
341636 Decided to call for help! 181976
342418 Use the gold key to unlock the box 182383
342419 Pick up both keys, and take them along with the box out of the hole 182383
342420 Leave the box hidden, but take the keys, and back out of the hole 182383
342421 Take only one key, and back out of the hole 182383
342422 Leave everything just the way it was, and back out of the hole 182383
342425 "to sing Sheldon's favorite cat song..." 182384
342458 The key came out. 182404
342459 The key just refused to budge. 182404
342460 Best friend Penny! 182405
342461 Her husband Howard! 182405
342462 Her new next door neighbour Sinead! 182405
342467 She heard a knock at the front door! 182409
342472 Howard arrived home! 182415
342473 She heard a knock at the front door! 182415
342917 She heard a knock at the front door! 182657
343361 It still refused to release it's grip on her! 182873
343362 Decided to wait for Howard to come home! 182874
350253 Enter the hole,there might something interesting in the chest. 186533
350254 Don't enter the hole,it's too small,you'll get stuck. 186533
350258 She felt something sniffing her behind! 186537
350260 Heard a bird tweeting behind her. 186540
371251 cat 197360
371253 Woman 197360
376187 Best friend Penny. 199778