Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

quiz. ;)

Loose Ends

There are 20 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
303111 blue 161365
303113 red 161365
303114 orange 161365
303115 yellow 161365
303119 your the kid! 161367
303123 dog 161368
303134 quiz 161379
303137 click me 161381
303138 click me 161381
303139 click me 161381
303140 click me 161381
303225 flight 161438
303226 invisibility 161438
303227 invincibility 161438
303228 x-ray vision 161438
303237 because u tell me to tell you what u wanna hear 161446
303239 because me is pro 161446
303240 because me guess 161446
303245 2 161450
303246 3 161450