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Teenage Drama

Loose Ends

There are 10 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
53345 yelling at the top of you lungs because she used the last of the hot water. 26105
53346 Grab her by her arm and take her into the bathroom and through her into the freezing water, clothes and all 26105
53347 Calmly ask her why she had to get a shower before you and shave her legs 26105
53349 one of the debbi snacks out of your mom's secret stash then head of to eat it in privacy in the living room 26106
53350 you just go to the living room and skip brakfast 26106
53351 your mother laughs and yenks off your covers and you get up and ready for school 26108
53352 you turn over and gnore you mother 26108
53596 run out of the classroom screaming 26271
53597 wait till class is over and sneak around in the halls till u get to the bathroom 26271
53598 tie your sweatshirt around your waist and forget about it 26271