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For King and Country

Loose Ends

There are 15 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
5194 Escape through the ventilation shaft 2478
5545 Pull your PPK 2650
6962 Make a joke about Q's inventions never working 3283
9063 Catch the next plane to Mexico 4212
9065 Demand to speak with M and Moneypenny 4212
9066 Get some rest 4212
182327 Get a plane to Mexico 93135
182328 Patch up his wound and take him to Hospital. 93135
182330 Attempt to take cover 93136
182332 Observe the trolley for it's items 93137
182333 Go through the ventilation shaft 93137
182334 Break the window's locks 93137
182335 Go through the door. 93137
182415 Attempt to escape 93182
182416 Attempt to save Steiner's life. 93182