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Road Trip

Loose Ends

There are 57 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
281661 Try to call someone 148964
281662 Try to climb up the canyon wall 148964
281664 Scream 148964
281670 Start Walking Around Aimlessly 148968
281671 Go into Extreme Survival Mode 148968
281673 Walk along the river searching for help. 148970
281674 Curl up in a ball and wait until morning. 148970
281675 Wander aimlessly in downtown Philadelphia. 148971
281678 “Yes!” 148972
281679 “Hell NO!” 148972
281680 Try to sneak away before they notice you. 148973
281681 Keep spying on them. 148973
281161 To the Adirondak mountains. 148677
281163 West to Lake Erie. 148677
281178 Walk back to the gas station. 148685
281222 Visit Denver. 148711
281224 Travel northwest to Yellowstone. 148711
281227 Go east to Myrtle Beach. 148712
281252 London 148724
281253 Tokyo 148724
281271 Throw a pebble at the security guard and call him a fascist. 148731
281280 Say “Fuck outta my way,” and storm into the White House. 148735
281282 Leave the hospital. You’re sick of this creepy town. 148738
281289 “Fine you little shit, but if it doesn’t work, you’re fucking next!” 148743
281294 Compose yourself and go inside the gas station. 148748
281446 Steal the cop car. 148829
281548 Explore the surroundings. 148895
281549 Stay put and wait for rescue. 148895
281660 Change Your Mind and Turn Around 148963
281684 Lucky Sombrero Inn 148975
281685 The Cortez Lodge 148975
281686 Albuquerque Alfred’s Fine Motel 148975
281687 Try to cheer up the old man. 148976
281688 Flirt with the woman. 148976
281690 Texas Hold ‘em. 148978
281691 Slots 148978
281692 Manhattan. 148979
281694 The Bronx. 148979
281695 Queens. 148979
281696 Staten Island. 148979
281725 Brooklyn. 148979
281711 Disney! 148987
281712 SeaWorld! 148987
281713 Miami Beach! 148987
281714 Go to all the zoos you can find 148987
281715 Change your mind and go back to Georgia 148987
281722 run away, back to the cheese steak place to stress-eat 148989
281723 go back home 148989
281724 call the police department 148989
281726 go downstairs to the basement 148990
281727 chicken out and run back to your car 148990
281728 check the rest of the house for clues 148990
281779 Scream at him and tell him to get a job 149018
281780 Give him a dollar 149018
281781 Give him 20 dollars 149018
281782 Throw pennies at him and spit 149018
281783 Ignore him and continue 149018