jake and jon on the dole

Loose Ends

There are 17 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
279543 tell jake and john you enjoyed your recent holiday in spain 147771
279544 show jake and john your brand new watch 147771
279545 say brexit question mark 147772
279546 look at your watch 147772
279547 eye up the girl moving with books 147772
279548 look at your notes 147772
279549 adjust your tie 147772
279550 say you liked led zeppelin did you have a favourite member 147773
279551 say retail is always good however old you are good place to pose 147773
279552 weigh up john does he really look fifty 147773
279553 find another pen 147773
279554 try not to look at the girl at second time 147773
279555 say do you use the internet very much 147774
279556 arrange regular interviews 147774
279557 say your paper does not pay interviewed people 147774
279558 give jake some two rock concert tickets 147774
279559 tell jake and john the funny fokker story 147774