starsky and hutch

Loose Ends

There are 50 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
279413 say ghosts dont exist 147730
279414 say starsky is mad 147730
279415 make the sign of the cross 147730
279416 breath deeply 147730
279410 agree to go without toffees 147731
279411 check your breathing is ok 147731
279412 check you have a hankerchief in your pocket 147731
279421 test your fitness stretching your arms 147733
279422 consider how fit ghosts are 147733
279423 ask where the castle is 147733
279424 examine a painting 147733
279427 read your watch 147734
279428 say do you think ghosts steal cars 147734
279429 assess starskys fitness 147734
279435 say do you know the presidents name 147736
279436 say do you think we should be payed more 147736
279437 say was it raining this afternoon 147736
279438 say have you read the bible 147736
279440 insult huggys dress sense 147737
279441 slip behind the grandfather clock before starsky notices 147737
279442 ask starsky about his background 147737
279443 scratch your nose 147737
279447 increase the bet to $750 147739
279448 decrease the bet to $250 147739
279449 decline the bet 147739
279451 say and our captain is... 147740
279452 mouth the words bay city 147740
279453 call out ghostie ghostie ghostie 147740
279454 ask starsky where the dutch the word spooky comes from 147740
279455 laugh 147741
279456 call for huggys head 147741
279457 thank starsky for remembering your full name 147741
279458 say proust are you kidding me 147741
279459 say guess i took me wife to a shakespeare performance in england 147741
279460 say san francisco 147742
279461 say forgive me im from minnesota 147742
279462 say do you want to know about the history of the toffee- you tell me 147742
279463 offer a toffee saying that they are not fattening with ghosts around 147742
279464 try to hear any unusual noises 147742
279529 tell starsky to return the jar inside his jacket 147765
279530 put your gum inside the jar 147765
279531 drape your jacket over starskys shoulder 147766
279532 sustain your interest in gambling 147767
279533 back off- avoiding risk of arrest 147767
279534 up the stakes fifty bucks 147767
279535 take your wallet from the jacket 147767
279536 don the jacket 147767
279537 say the ghost in hamlet shapes the play 147768
279538 grin 147769
279539 ask starsky to look at the crest 147770