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game of thrones fanfic

Loose Ends

There are 18 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
224774 Balon Greyjoy 115124
365221 Send envoys to treat with all three of them 115125
224778 Expose the incest to the world and declare yourself as the true king 115126
224779 Keep quiet and wait for the right time 115126
365224 Use diplomacy to win the Young Wolf over 115126
224780 i am the rightful king , Renly and Stannis are usurpers ! 115127
224781 punish sansa for her brother's victories 115127
224782 issue both options 115127
224786 Starve out King's Landing 115129
224787 Launch an invasion of the Westerlands 115129
365222 Send Patrek Mallister as an envoy 115130
365223 Send the Greatjon as an evoy 115130
224789 Try to assault the near Impregnable fortress of Moat Caitlin to take back the No 115131
224790 continue to protect the Riverlands and take back the North later 115131
365225 Send your mother to treat with her sister 115143
365226 Send Edmure to remind Lysa of her duty 115143
224802 Send the Blackfish as your envoy 115144
224803 Send the Greatjon 115144