Dude that's my ghost: The begining

Loose Ends

There are 20 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
198955 Go upstairs and unpack 101884
198957 Decide against it and go unpack 101885
198959 Examine it closer 101886
198960 Leave it alone and keep looking 101886
198961 Leave it alone and go back upstairs 101886
198962 Put it in your pocket to look at later 101886
198964 Explore some more 101887
198965 Decide against keeping the pendant and put it back where you found it 101887
198967 Run 101888
198968 Introduce yourself 101888
198969 Scream 101888
198988 Scream 101894
198989 Run away 101894
198991 "You're...you're dead!" 101895
198992 Be silent 101895
198993 Scream 101895
198994 Run 101895
199181 Put the pendant on 101945
199182 ignore it 101945
199183 leave 101945