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One sided love<3

Loose Ends

There are 21 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
187318 Maybe, maybe not. 95782
187322 Don't feel guilty at all 95784
187329 Tell her "'s over now..he's gonna hate me" 95787
187330 Tell her "it's fine, really. I'll get over it and so can he" 95787
187331 Shake your head and say "I don't know.." 95787
187344 I accept the fact that I'm a liar and feel dirty. 95795
187345 Cry some more. 95795
187347 Go up to Braden and talk casually. 95796
187348 Forget the whole idea and ignore Bryce and Braden. 95796
187353 Brooke 95800
187354 MB 95800
187355 Chandler 95800
187363 Let myself fall for Braden 95803
187364 Hang on to Bryce, despite the 99% chance of nothing happening. 95803
187365 Forget both. 95803
187374 Call MB and explain my dilemma with her plan. 95812
187375 Listen to more music and feel sorry for myself. 95812
187376 Tell my parents i'm tired and I go to sleep praying for it to go away. 95812
189892 Oh no reason...*smiles* 97289
189893 BRYCE LIKES ME!!!!! XDDD 97289
189894 Oh I'm just happy because the jacquots are coming to the park on saturday(: 97289