We Will Last Forever
Loose Ends
There are 45 loose ends in this story.
Choice ID | Choice | Room ID |
185559 | 12-14 | 94756 |
185560 | 15-17 | 94756 |
185561 | 18-21 | 94756 |
185562 | 22-29 | 94756 |
185563 | 30+ | 94756 |
185564 | 12-14 | 94757 |
185566 | 18-21 | 94757 |
185567 | 22-29 | 94757 |
185568 | 30+ | 94757 |
185569 | 12-14 | 94758 |
185570 | 15-17 | 94758 |
185571 | 18-21 | 94758 |
185572 | 22-29 | 94758 |
185573 | 30+ | 94758 |
185574 | 12-14 | 94759 |
185575 | 15-17 | 94759 |
185576 | 18-21 | 94759 |
185577 | 22-29 | 94759 |
185578 | 30+ | 94759 |
185580 | Personality | 94760 |
185582 | Cute | 94761 |
185587 | Walk away from Selena | 94765 |
185588 | Go to one of the stores | 94765 |
185589 | Go to one of the restaurants | 94765 |
185590 | Look at one of the nearby passing girls | 94765 |
185591 | "Are you having fun?" | 94766 |
185592 | "What do you want to do?" | 94766 |
185594 | "Are you hungry?" | 94766 |
185595 | "I want to tell you something..." | 94766 |
185596 | Yes | 94767 |
185599 | Well... | 94767 |
185600 | No | 94767 |
185602 | Admit that you don't love her | 94768 |
185603 | Admit you love someone else | 94768 |
185604 | Say nothing | 94768 |
185605 | Admit good feelings of her | 94770 |
185607 | Say nothing | 94770 |
185608 | Walk away | 94770 |
185609 | Think about Selena | 94771 |
185610 | Draw | 94771 |
185611 | Go on the computer | 94771 |
185613 | Sleep | 94771 |
185614 | Submit to her | 94772 |
185615 | Resist | 94772 |
185616 | Talk to her | 94772 |