Red Outbreak

Landon 'Landy' Forester is a mid 20s average Joe, going about a standard life, with a standard job, in a standard apartment. He has no pets...the landlord is to blame, and currently single, the last fling ending when she moved to the other damn coastline. Generally speaking, Landy's life is pretty plain.

Sometimes, the craziest things may happen, and the most unexpected people can find themselves lost in the middle of it all. Such is the saying of FUBAR. Landon soon finds out that the rumours have come true, the reports are accurate, the shocking stories are a reality.

In order to keep himself alive and those that may or may not join him under control, Landon will have to use all his humanity, finesse, strength, and will in order to keep himself going, in the upcoming apocalypse...

[You're character status and inventory will be displayed after each choice. Use your supplies wisely. Keep your mind on your health. Good luck...and have fun! New rooms will be updated whenever I get the chance!]
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