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Dungeons and Dragons Monsters Quiz

Comments & Ratings

Author Rating Date Comment
Oct 11, 2019
Hehehe the "one-click" ending
by Mudkipper6 on Oct 11, 2019
Jul 5, 2013
Haha funny... But nerdy, too.
by Lackofmop on Jul 5, 2013
May 10, 2010
by KingMalice on May 10, 2010
May 9, 2008
I'm gonna have to go with DEP on this- the question order is entirely random. I knew the medusa question, the displacer beast question, the mind flayer question... But, with the exception of the first was really just a crap-shoot. It's not a question of knowing your monsters- it's a question of knowing the monsters Apoth knows. I know my Yuan-Ti. I've faced them a fair bit. Don't know my oozes. Never faced a lamia. And that's...bad?

That, and it's really hard to have a fair quiz when the back button is right there. Given your craze for insane projects, I was expecting an "Escape Artist" sort of multiroom system to calculate my score without telling me which ones I'd missed.
by Usoki on May 9, 2008
Dec 14, 2007
It is a mind Flayer!!!!!!(by crazy friend)
by shadowzxv on Dec 14, 2007
Feb 20, 2007
Shippo: I gotted 100%

I an Nerd man
by Leblanc4prez on Feb 20, 2007
Jan 20, 2007
Hmmm... It's a quiz, which I was obviously expecting... But it doesn't seem to progress from easy to hard. For instance, the "what is this:" followed by an image of a gay ass monster that no one really uses was a bit unfair... and then it's followed by "what do griffons eat." Griffons are fairly common in d&d (comparatively speaking), while that five eyed stupid looking thing is rare as shit.

By the way, I love the "d&d is for losers" ending. Good stuff. Who really uses the d100 though? Just get out a percentile.
by donteatpoop on Jan 20, 2007

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