The Third Eye

Comments & Ratings

Author Rating Date Comment
Oct 20, 2011
Leah, I can't hear what you're saying. Take those balls out of your mouth.
by donteatpoop on Oct 20, 2011
Jun 2, 2009
Very boring. Kinda weird. Your gonna send me a long, boring, e-mail complaining that I gave one of your ''precious stories'' a 1. Well, whatever. But the story needs more rooms, it needs to be finished, it needs a better plot overall. In fact, it needed to not even become a story. Maybe just a commercial. :P A pathetic, sad commercial.
by Leah1597 on Jun 2, 2009
Sep 15, 2007
Always thought this one was underrated. Definitely another good one to work on when you have time.
by EndMaster on Sep 15, 2007
May 21, 2007
by Jargner on May 21, 2007
Nov 26, 2006
I've spent a lot of time just reading the many stories on this site. This one had a unique ability to hold my interest. I think the premise is very interesting, and I'm actually relieved that the protagonist doesn't feel any inclination to become a self-righteous twat.

There are enough superheroes in the world already.

This story almost felt like the written version of Grand Theft Auto, but smarter. And not as many hookers.
by Vesnicie on Nov 26, 2006
Sep 23, 2006
by razman on Sep 23, 2006
Jul 5, 2006
While I can't say I like the direction that you took the story, I can say that you wrote it well. It's an interesting plot device, and you handled it well.

Still, most of the work is only about gazing into the eyes of random people. As far as actual plot goes, you've still got some work ahead of you on this one.
by Usoki on Jul 5, 2006
Apr 19, 2006
Can't believe I never read this one.

I also can't believe this story got such harsh reviews. I, for one, loved it. The story did not progress slowly in my opinion, the room weren't 'too long'.

I have to give it a 10.

Another brilliant achievement. Well done.
by ChubbyTeletubby on Apr 19, 2006
Mar 24, 2006
Very interesting
by omniqix on Mar 24, 2006
Jan 13, 2006
I love this story! But why is he using his powers for personal gain? Can't he just use it for the good of mankind, sort of like a superhero. =)
by ayenigel on Jan 13, 2006
Dec 31, 2005
by shuga313 on Dec 31, 2005
Jul 1, 2005
Alright...this would be an excellent story if not for one awful combination.

And the combination is LONG rooms and a SLOW story. The story does not porgress fast enough, and it is just too apparent you love to write :).

But keep it up man, this story got a 7 because it was good. And you like Simpsons, it's very evident from your stories (Fat Tony, Mr. Burns). I'd like to see Comic Book Guy in your next story. Or perhaps one Dr. Nick Riviera.

Go Simpsons.
by jeffisthebest on Jul 1, 2005
Jun 24, 2005
This was a bunch of crap written by a talentless fool known as donteatpoop. Not bad! :)
by YazZMaN on Jun 24, 2005
Jun 16, 2005
by drealuvv2 on Jun 16, 2005
Jun 7, 2005
Hey, I'm rating myself here. What am I gonna do, give it a 1? If I ain't cheating, I ain't trying.
by donteatpoop on Jun 7, 2005

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