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This is The Story of a Car

You gotta deal with the window, and that "blue" is a kinda neat color... if it is really blue. Maybe it's brown? Orange? Yet again, you aren't sure. This is going to be an awesome car.

You take it to a paint shop and have the car re=painted "blue" and then call in an order for a window.

No one you call has it. In fact, they aren't sure that a 1988 Honda Civic really exists, and most think you're just making shit up. You have to go to a junkyard to find a window..

You go to the closest junkyard to you (you searched VIA area code) and are shuffling through all the various cars there while receiving all three forms of Tetanus and every mosquitto-transmitted disease ever.

Unfortunately the only car that still has a windshield is a 1966 Oldsmobile Cutlass, which is twice the size of your honda civic. You would have passed it up had a large truck carrying gravel in front of you on the freeway not dropped some rocks behind it and shattered what was left of your original pathetic window. You had to take this window for now. You pulled it off and brought it to your car. Naturally, it's twice as big as your old window in all directions. You settle with taping it accross the open hole where your window was and tying the rest of it down to the roof. Then tying the other end down to the hood. Your driving back home on the freeway when you see some red and blue lights out of the corner of your eye.

The police do not like your window... then again, neither do you.

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