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Leblanc and Slim Jesta have a stupid adventure

This is a story that will probobly get no hits and a bad rating, but i don't care...

Leblanc was sitting on his bed staring at the dagger in his hand...

"What is this? where did it come from, who's blood is this on the blade" he thought as his Alcohol addeld brain sliped in and out of conscious thought.

In the kitchen Psy the Psyduck was attempting to get Shippo to jam a fork in the toaster.

"Come on mate... Just jam that baby in... You'll get powers and then you can be a Z-Man(TM)." He quacked in his most persuasive voice as Shippo toosed the fork absently from paw to paw.

"Me not know Mr Psy... Why you say Z-Man isnt it X-" he squeaked but before he could finish his last word psy had Hit him with a breadboard.

"Don't say it.. I don't wanna get sued..." Psy looked around the room... "Damn I hope Jesta wakes up soon, or he will miss our weekly penis mesuring!"

In a room two doors down from Leblanc's Jesta was having his own problems.
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