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Time Traveller

You push open the door, which makes a little jingle, and step out onto the boards. The outlaws look at you in consternation, wondering why you are not carrying a bag of money and why there is no clamour coming from within.

"What the hell is goin' on, drifter?" One of the outlaws demands, "Wheres our money?"
"They all pulled a piece on me," You tell them, "No way was I getting out of there alive if I started shootin' the place up. The clerk let me leave."

"You useless son of a bitch," The outlaw cries, enraged, "You just made this job impossible! Now the sheriff'll be on his way too. Thanks a lot, drifter!"

The outlaw draws his colt and unloads three bullets into your chest. You are catapulted backwards into the dust, agonising pain blossoming through you.

Your last sight is of the almost purely blue sky interspersed with cloud before darkness closes in on you. Your last fleeting thought is that at least that is something to be thankful for.
End Of Story