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The Pattern

The copter righted itself, and Mazen looked out the window determined to ignore the heat on his cheeks. He wanted to be at home with his grandparents. Where he was in charge, not in this helicopter with other children who caught him screaming like a girl. He punched his seat, and his fingers came back sore- there was no padding to cushion things.

"I wonder what kind of bird that was?" the girl he had overheard referring to herself as Hannah questioned.

"It's called a Harpia harpyja" Will said softly. "They are really rare, almost extinct."

"A what?" Hagen asked skeptically.

"A harpy eagle." Will looked thoughtful, then said "We can't be on the east coast anymore. They are only known to inhabit Central and South America, but I don't think we've left the country."

Rosie's breathing changed suddenly, and she was breathing strange into her mic. She seemed to be panicked all of the sudden. Will took her hand and held it. Some of his calm seemed to seep into her.

Mazen didn't like looking at her, she was entirely too emotional. He just didn't know how to deal with her emotions on top of his own. He looked at Hannah, she sat quietly almost as calm as Will seemed to be. He didn't particularly like either of them, he didn't like their fearless approach to the changes they were being thrust into. He did like Hagen, but that's because he might make a good partner in crime.

Mazen studied the compass on the pilot's control panel, he'd had a pretty good view of it for most of the ride. They weren't in South America- at least he didn't think they were. He hadn't told Rosie about the compass- of course she hadn't asked. He told himself it would just make her want his seat, and he quite liked being able to see the controls.

"Where do you think we are?" Hannah whispered.

Mazen thought about it comparing what he knew of the compass' spinning direction to the United States placemat his grandmother had bought him when he turned five. "South Dakota."

Hannah studied the man in the corner. "Where are we?"

The man didn't respond. She repeated the question again and kicked out with her foot, only connecting with air but still a disturbed action. "Where are we?"

Rosie moaned and grabbed her belly. Will touched her back keeping contact with her seemed to help keep her from completely losing it. Mazen didn't think he would like listening to her scream and cry. It was too close to what he felt like doing.

"Why us?" Rosie whimpered.

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