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The Pattern

Copenhagen Smith
Age: 9
Mother's Name: Mary Lynn Smith (deceased)
Father's Name: Unknown
Place of Birth: Charleston, S. C.
Siblings: Unknown
IQ: 185

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey
Skin: Delicately Pale
Birthmark: None

Circumstances surrounding birth are remarkable in that Mary Lynn, a promising young graduate student slipped away for a night to a party full of academics. She was seen leaving with Dandridge Masterson, who later received a Nobel Peace Prize. Nine months to the day later, Copenhagen was born in America.

Ms. Smith died of a drug overdose less than three months after his birth. Copenhagen was circulated through the American courts, one foster home after another until he was planted in a group home at the end of last year.

His academic achievements leave something to be desired, however, his juvenile record proves he is very intelligent and dangerously creative. Copenhagen could in the right arena prove to be a great asset. Highlights of Copenhagen's criminal activity have been attached.
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