Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

Hey, it's the golden rule, right? I mean, this guy wouldn't even know that you're overriding his free will. You could make him run naked through the streets until he got arrested, and he'd think that it was his idea. Sure, it'd be funny...if it didn't happen to you.

Still, you are stuck inside of the guy's brain. Well, the door is still in plain sight, but you can't bring yourself to walk across the brain flesh again. You took a lot of effort trying to figure this console out- you might as well use it.

You type in 'sit.exe', but an error informs you that the variable was undefined. Thinking for a bit, you type in 'sit(desk).exe' and see if that does anything. No error pops up, so you assume that the command was a success.

Just before you try and figure out how to make Isaac do some homework, you hear a cell phone go off. It echoes through the chamber, sounding as though it were both far-off and all around you. You look over at the monitor, and see that something has happened.

/Answer? (Y/N)

You hit 'Y', and soon a woman's voice is amplified through Isaac's brain in a similar manner as before. "Hey, Isaac, it's Cassy. I'm on my way. I got tied up in family stuff, or I'd've been over earlier."

Whoa! Hold on! There's no telling what Cassy could be coming over for. The real Isaac would probably know, but you certainly don't! If she were to come over, it'd be humiliating for Isaac. Like, a cheesy and poorly written sit-com sort of humiliation.

You type in 'respond(You can't come over tonight).exe', hoping that you've set it up in a valid format. It appears on the task list, but for some reason, the font is struck through.

/respond(You can't come over tonight).exe
/Primary Brain Override:
/respond(I'll see you in a bit, then).exe[/I]

What just happened? How could this not be the primary brain?
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