Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

Reluctantly, you touch the slimy, pulsing door. It makes a horrid squelching noise to the touch, and leaves a sticky residue on your hands.

It's a good thing you're wearing shoes, because the entire room is made out of the same tissue. It looks like you're standing inside of a human brain.

Which, technically, is impossible. The human brain is not hollow. But, to be fair, the human brain also doesn't have a computer monitor either.

Sure enough, there's a fleshy keyboard and monitor in the center of the room. It's displaying what appears to be a cheap, generic version of MS DOS.

The monitor continues to display similar techno-babble, so after staring at the lines of scrolling text, you look up to gaze around the room again.

It looks like you're in a state of reality, but that's impossible. If this was a normal reality, the door wouldn't have led you straight into a human brain. Still, it doesn't look like you're in a cartoon reality either. If you had to guess, you'd say the door led you into a cheesy sitcom-based reality.

So, what now?
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