Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

"Sure," you'd say. "I'd love to. Where is it?"

"They're still deciding. They said they'd call me. It should be near Brooksville"

"That's close to where I live," you reply. "How are we getting there anyway? Do you want a ride?"

"Sure," she says with a weak smile. "Thanks."

You each find the bag you brought and walk to your car. She has won a blender with which to make smoothies, which you carry under one arm with your bag. With the other hand, you toy with the strings on her hip holding up her bikini. You then hop in your car and begin driving. After driving a while, Tricia's cell phone rings. She speaks a little while and hangs up.

"It's over in Brocksville, not Brooksville."

"That's way over on the other side of town," you note.

"Yeah," she says, leaning the seat further back, "maybe you should just take me home."

You arrive at her apartment, not far from where you live, and you carry her blender up for her.

"Won't you come inside?" she asks.

The inside of her apartment is neither messy nor tidy. You set the box on the kitchen counter. "I need to rinse all that clorine off," she says, stretching her arms above her head. "It makes me feel gross. Do you want to rinse too?"

You follow her to her small bathroom where she kicks off her flip flops and walks in the small shower, still wearing her bikini. You dumbly follow her in.

"Noooo," she says, rolling her eyes upward. "You can come afterwards."

"C'mon," you reply, making up for your stupidity, "It's faster this way." You shut the door and turn on the water. Tricia tries to bend over to pick up the wash rag, but you're in the way. You pick it up and, after squirting a little soap on it, start to lather her body. As you lather her, you untie her bikini top and drop it on top of the drain. You then untie both sides of her bikini bottom at the same time.

It's a wonderful experience in the shower, and then that night watching TV on the couch. And then the next morning waking up on her satin sheets. And then dressing and driving first to your place and then to work. You have a so much fun exploring and being explored. She has fun too.

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