Ground Zero

Going to another part of Zeropolis really isn't going to help. The Shadow Horde will just eventually move on to those as well, you need to get out of this damn City. Even if you are hounded by humans at every turn, at least they're easier to deal with than those overgrown beasts that are in the Shadow Horde's ranks.

Still you think you can make things slightly easier for yourself. You're a mutant, but you aren't exceptionally mutated to such a degree that you couldn't pass yourself as one with a disguise. You immediately start searching through old Zeropolis Guard equipment, when you find a gas mask you think "Pefect."

You also get some gloves and hooded cloaked, basically clothing that will completely hide your body and face. When you look in a broken mirror you are confident that not many would think you weren't human unless they insisted you take off your mask.

After gathering what other supplies you think you'll need you leave Zeropolis. You're not sure where you're going to go though, you do know you'll have to keep moving to avoid suspicion in human towns and given the Combine only just recently won its war against the Cybernetic Evolution, its troops might be on a heightened state of distrust.

However the world is a big place and this is just a small section of it, who's to say mutants are shot on sight everywhere? Hell maybe there's even a place where there isn't killing going on every five seconds. Probably not, but it's worth a try to look for.

With this new goal in mind you begin your trek into the wasteland.
End Of Story