Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Ground Zero

"Nah, that's alright. I guess I'll be heading out." You reply and leave the shop with the full intent on going home.

On your way back home you unfortunately run into a couple of the Zeropolis Guardsmen who seem intent on giving you a hard time.

"Whoa there, who the fuck are you, and where do you think you're going with that rifle on your back?" one asks.
"What the hell difference does it make to you?"
"It makes a difference because we patrol this area all the damn time and we've never seen you before. Not to mention you look fucking suspicious with an assault rifle on your person!"
"Â…What the fuck? What about you guys?! You got damn machine guns and grenades!"
"Yeah, well WE'RE members of The Zeropolis Guard! We need this shit in our war with the Shadow Horde, while you're just a lowly civvy! We're going to be occupying this area soon and you won't need something like that as protection anymore. In fact a fine weapon like that would be better put to use by The Zeropolis Guard, so you probably should hand it over right now."
"Ha ha, you're a funny guy. I don't think so." You say.
"That wasn't a request, that was a goddamn order!"
"Sorry, but as you just pointed out I'm just a lowly civvy, so I'm not inclined to follow your stupid ass orders."

This last remark does it. The two soldiers now have their excuse, they raise their weapons and you do like wise. A small shoot out occurs in which you end up killing one of them and wounding the other, however they manage to wound you severely as well. As you attempt to take cover behind a wrecked car, the surviving Guardsmen throws a grenade in your direction which you are unable to react to in time before it blows you up.
End Of Story