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Ground Zero

You don't really want to stick around here any longer than you have to, so as soon as you're rested up, you're going to leave in the morning.

You think about what Owen said about the water supply and the anti-radiation drugs in it then you think about what happened to a majority of the survivors. It didn't seem to do them any good, so you decide not to risk drinking any of the water or taking any with you. You also wonder about Owen's supervisor Lisa. He did say she was supposed to return soon, you form some ideas on how to handle the situation, but as it turns out, she never does. Probably got killed no doubt.

The next morning you leave. You half expect Owen to be waiting to ambush you, but he's completely gone. After making sure the coast is clear you get your bearings again, and make haste for leaving the City. Luckily you have no further encounters, and you're just a little bit safer for leaving the City of course now there's the problem of find another stretch of civilization, but you think you have enough supplies.

A few days go by and you eventually do stumble upon a small town. Its more like a ghost town actually, barely anyone lives there, but that suits you just fine after having to deal with mutant cannibals.

You take residence in one of the abandoned houses, you figure it's going to be temporary before you move on in the future, but you're starting not to feel too well so you stick around. About a month passes and you feel tired all the time, you get the shakes pretty bad, and soon, you start vomiting blood, then there's the hair lossÂ…

You lie on the dirty bed in the house lamenting how ill prepared you really were for all this and the bad decisions you chose that made it worse.

You can't go on waiting for the end, you're in hell right now, and a quick death would be a welcome release. You get the idea to shoot yourself, but you're so weak now that you merely collapse when you try to reach for your pistol, however as it turns out your wish is shortly granted during this time when you also fall unconsciousness and lapse into a coma.

Death soon follows.
End Of Story