Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Ground Zero

"Alright, fine I'll leave…but you know this isn't right." You say backing away.
"…I know…I know…" he replies.

Jonathan calls his wife to get you few days supply of water, and some food. She soon returns with both which are throw at your feet, you take them and head to your van. They aren't going to give you a weapon though for obvious reasons. They tell you that maybe the town they stopped at before will be friendlier to you and you could try to live there.

You don't say anything else, you just go to start up your van and drive off, you aren't sure where you're heading, but you figure you'll take the "friendly advice" of Doris and Jonathan and go to the town they told you about.

You get a few miles and then your van decides to die on you. Nothing's going your way. After futile attempts to fix it, kicks, and threats, you realize you're walking now, which wouldn't be completely bad if you weren't without some sort of weapon.

While walking along the desolate road, a dog like creature appears in the distance, then another, then more. They look like wolves, but something is obviously different about them, like they're deformed in some way, either way they don't look friendly, but they do look very hungry.

You attempt to outrun them, but the mutant wolves are faster, and they ultimately catch you and rip you apart.
End Of Story