Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Ground Zero

"Fuck you John, I'm not making it that easy for ya. You think it's really that easy to kill someone? You go right ahead."

You're hoping that you're just calling his bluff and he really won't shoot you, whether he was or not, he hesitates long enough for you to take advantage of the situation.

You dive into Jonathan's legs as hard as you can, causing the both of you to fall to the ground, he attempts to get you off by smashing you in the head with the shotgun butt, however you knock it from his hands and re-break his leg, this time so the bone comes through. He bellows in pain, and then you kick him in the face.

You pick up the shotgun and point it at him.

"You stupid motherfucker! I woulda let you stay here! If you'd just…bah! You're right, it's too late now, and you fucked…ARGH!"

A shot rings out and a sharp pain shoots into your side, causing you to fall. You look over in the direction of the store and its Doris holding one of the hunting rifles, though it seems she's not entirely comfortable with it and her second shot misses, giving you time to retaliate.

"Bitch!" you say and swing the shotgun in her direction blowing a hole in her side as well, though hers is instantly fatal.

"DORIS!" Jonathan screams before he crawls in your direction in some vain attempt for revenge.

"Told ya, it's not that easy to kill someone, unless you've done it before…" you remark and finish off Jonathan.

You're bleeding profusely and in a lot of pain, and you briefly wonder if you're going to survive your wounds, but that wonder comes to an end, when another shot rings out, hitting your upper body dropping you. It's Tyler holding your pistol, silent, with tears in his eyes upon seeing his dead parents.

You give up, even if you had the strength to pick up your shotgun, you're not going to kill a kid. In fact you figure you probably deserve to die anyway given that you've killed two couples now who didn't really deserve it. You decide to give some last minute advice to this newly orphaned lad, who's going to surely have a hard time of it now, but still he might survive if he listens to your words…

"Don't trust anyone kid…nobody."
End Of Story