Ground Zero

She's still fifteen; you're still able to restrict her from doing whatever the hell she wants. You do however realize that too much restriction isn't going to help and possibly even drive her away, so what you propose is a compromise and you allow her to go on border patrol mission and minor recon duty.

Let her deal with some raiders and see if she still wants to pursue this life of adventure…

She isn't exactly enthusiastic about this idea, probably because it doesn't seem as "exciting". Most raiders go running at the first sign of trouble, so there's actually little in the way of combat. She starts becoming a little more daring and patrols further than she's supposed to. You tell others to keep an eye on her, but of course that's impossible all the time.

Then your worst fears come true. Laura is ambushed, beaten and gang raped. She would've probably been killed, but the rest of the recon team arrived in time to drive them off. They managed to kill a few…but not all. You've suffered a lot of tragedies in your life, but this one has got to be the worst since you lost Marina…worse even. You don't sink into depression though, you fly into a rage. You immediately gather your best men and personally hunt the rest of these scumfucks down.

There is no where they can hide; you are the embodiment of vengeance. As is typical you find them hold up in a cave where you catch most of them off guard, as ordered, your men don't shoot to kill, they shoot to maim. You'll be the one doing the killing.

You cut off the genitals of each one of them and stuff them into their mouths. You yell and scream at them as you repeatedly shoot and kick their bloody bodies. You don't stop tormenting them even after death until one of your men finally tells you stop.

You don't really feel any better though, once again you feel like you've failed, just like you did ten years ago with Alex killing most of Ashtown. You can't do this anymore; you resign your command at Pandora, despite Vivica not wanting you to.

It takes Laura awhile to get over the traumatic event, and she never really does. She picks a safer career path and she never marries or even dates, despite you telling her that she should and that its okay, but she says she's satisfied just living with you. (And while you blamed yourself for what happened, she never did) And while you don't mind her company, this also saddens you.

In your remaining years, you spend a lot of time regretting a lot of decisions you made in the past. You can't even take "pride" in the fact that you contributed greatly to rebuilding civilization. When yet another war breaks out with the mutants due to the Atomic Alliance City Project you just shake your head wondering if it was all worth it to begin with.

Eventually when you die, it's sort of a release for you. A small respectful funeral is held for you as you're buried next to Marina like you always wanted to be, but as time goes on after Vivica and those who were with you from the beginning in the Compound die off, your name and deeds are forgotten completely as what happens to most "heroes" of history.
End Of Story