Ground Zero

No time like the present, besides, if you're careful you should be able to take them.

You and your team briskly run through the field while keeping your head down. All is going well until you hear a shot ring out from the house, and one of your team members makes a stifled yelp. You turn around and see Reggie, clutching his throat and bleeding profusely from it. While you're all standing around watching him convulse, another shot rings out. This one clips Vivica in the head splattering her brains on to your clothing.

"RUN!" you shout, not wanting to be the sniper's next target. There are multiple shots now, and one by one you see your team member's go down, until the last one is you when you feel a bullet severing your spine. You're fucked.

As you lay the field still trying to crawl away, you hear the cultists coming for you, you do the only thing you can and turn over in order to aim at them in an effort to at least take a few out. You manage to kill about three over zealous ones advancing on your position until you hear one shouting for the snipers in the house to finish you off since you're not worth it.

A single bullet enters your eye, ending it once and for all. You body is then taken along with your teams' to serve as food and bizarre rituals.
End Of Story