The demon scam

After you've left the cat demon well behind you, Merle looks up at you and says, "You know, it IS easy to get out of here is you really want to..."

You blink at her, thinking her imagination is running wild again. "Hmm?"

Merle nods. "I'll show you." She walks over to one of the rock formations and touches it. Instantly, it starts to shimmer with the same glow you saw back in the forest. She puts her hand through it and turns to you. "See?"

You gape, totally stunned. "What the..!? YOU openened up the portal here by yourself?" Merle smiles. "Neat huh?"

You're too shocked to allow this to sink in just now, but you will make sure to talk to the village elders about this when you get back...

Right now, you just want to go home though, so you step through the portal with Merle, giving a deep sigh of relief as the demonic landscape fades away.

End Of Story