Assault of the Sorcerer Kings

The Dwarf and The Rogue

Ront Ironarm, of the notoriously proficient weapon smithing Ironarm clan, left his kin for adventuring some sixty years back. Initially he did this to protect his people from evil. In his travels, however, he has come to know and love many of the peoples of the world and now fights to protect them. Except elves. Elves be damned as far as he is concerned. His gruff nature often leads people to think that he is an uncaring and rude little man, but the reality is that he has a tender heart that he sheilds with a thick wall. He may even like the elves a little, but he'll never admit to it.

Mordel the rogue is a tall dark haired man full of deception and malice. He is an excellent spy, theif, and displays formidible battle tactics. He is not well known by any of the party members save the dwarf, and joined them at the request of Ront Ironarm who knew the young man as a child on the streets; feeding him and offering a roof over his head when he requested.

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