Open My Heart

Since then Tai trained with Sharu and got closer to him, Tai was sleeping on the floor of Sharu's bed(She was in her cat form)She was dreaming of Sharu and Reina dying. Tai woke up and jumped on Sharu's bed to see him sleeping, she cuddled agianst him* No he will not die, i won't allow him to go* When Tai woke up she decided to stay in her cat form and go out in the city to see the sights and smell the smells. Tai went out Sharu's room and into the kitchen where Reina was cooking fish. Tai meowed by Rei's leg, She said" Oh so your staying in your cat form? Ok here's some fish." Tai catched the fish and ate it then left out the door. Tai walked acrossed the roofs of the buildings and it was late. Tai sat on the edge of a bulding* If Sharu dies it's going to be all my fault won't it?*Tai seen a shooting star* I wish i could open my heart of darkness* She laid on the roof and meowed silently.

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