Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

"Gee wiz!" Pat belches and grins as you hand him the golden key, "Thanks little buddy!"
Pat stuffs the key into his rolls of fat, rummages around in there for a few moments, then retrieves another key.
"Here ya go!" Pat hands you the slimy key, "You can have my old one!"
"Uhhh... thanks." you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
Taking the key, you attempt to open the cell door once more.
"Yes!" you exclaim and push the door open. You look over your shoulder at Pat. He stares back at you blankly.
"Are you coming?" you ask.
"No way!" He shakes his flabby face, "That's against the rules!"
"Suit yourself." you shrug and rush for the door out of the dungeon.
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