Alpha Wolf

You'll never be able to fight Frankie in this condition and in his updated status, you get an idea.

You go over to Igor who pathetically attempts to point his weapon at you. You easily grab his arm weapon and begin to pull the thing out its weakened socket. Blood spurts all over you and Igor finally dies from the loss of it.

"I'm sorry Vic…my brother… (gurgle)" he sputters.
"Hm, that explains his loyalty I guess." You say to yourself.

Frankie's is attempting to recover from his own wounds, but you're not going to give him a chance to do it. You point Igor's arm at Frankie and manipulate the tendons inside.

The gun fires and you blast half of Frankie's head off with a rain of silver bullets. The recoil causes you to fall to the ground and the heat from it burns the fur on your hands.

"Holy shit that was fucking cool." You say impressed.

Frankie's not dead yet though, he tries to get back up, so you just take the weapon and club him in what remains of his head with it until he stays down for good. You then tear him apart to make sure. You stand over Frankie's body parts panting heavily. You can't even give a victory howl. You're too tired. The rest of the pack comes in, somewhat surprised to see you alive.

"You're alive!"
"Of course I'm alive! No thanks to you! Where the hell were you assholes?"
"Um…well we didn't know if we should help since you got mad when we did it last time…"

You can't even argue with them, you're too tired to do even that. You only have the strength to do one more thing…

You head upstairs by yourself, back to the lab Frankie came bursting out of, its empty, but there's another door in the room and you've got the impression that a certain doctor is behind it.

You open the door to a small room with a bunch of big computers hooked up to a brain in a jar…

"Vic, you really are a shitty Mad Scientist, you couldn't even come up with a better way to prolong your life."
"Frankie! Igor! Get in here! NOW!"
'They're dead just like you'll be soon and should've been before."
"Erm…Wolf! Hold on! Come on, I can't do anything to you! Hasn't there been enough killing for one day!?
"Not yet." you say and take Victor's brain out of the jar.

"NOOOOOO…." Is the last thing that comes out of the loud speakers as you crush the brain under your foot.
"NOW there's been enough killing for one day." You say.

Its over. You won, and you fucking hurt like hell. You stagger back downstairs. Where the wolflings look at you expectantly.

"Did you kill him?'
"Yeah, and it was hardly worth the effort." You reply.
"What are we going to do now?" another asks.
"Well I don't know about you, but I'm going back home to rest."
"But aren't you taking us to raise hell somewhere else? We want to do more werewolf stuff!"
"Raise hell? You fuckers made ME do all the damn work! I killed every single member of this fucked up family all by my damn self! As far as I'm concerned I'M the only werewolf here! The rest of you are fucking lapdogs at best! I'm not leading any of you anywhere until you go prove otherwise…no fuck that. I don't want to see ANY of you again! Well except Ginger. You know where I live baby. When you don't want to hang around with these neutered pups, come see me."

Unsurprisingly Ginger comes with you immediately.

You and Ginger get back on your Harley and head home. You're now convinced that you're the last of a dying breed. Today's youth are fucking spoiled. Still, you got to prove that you're still the baddest ass Alpha Wolf this world is ever going to see, and it'll be a long time before the world sees an Alpha Wolf like you again.

That is until Ginger has a litter of cubs…
End Of Story