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Summer Vacation

Emily smiles at you.

"A house party would be sweet," she says, "but this better not get out of hand or my parents will freak. Although its not as though any expensive stuff will get trashed since we're still moving in."

"Cool," you say. "I'll call up some friends and we'll have a nice little get together. Is 8 OK?"

"Sounds good," she says, "but remember small is the key word."

You head back home and shower and change clothes. Your parents are impressed that you mowed the entire lawn and are glad that you met the new neighbor.

You call your friend Matt.

"Matt, dude," you say, "I met this hot girl and we totally hit it off today. She just moved in and her parents went back to get the rest of their stuff. We're gonna have a little party at her house tonight. Can you come and bring some people?"

Matt chuckles.

"Sure, man," he says, "we've been wanting to have a kick-off summer block party. How many people should I tell?"

You respond...
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