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Paco Valdez


You have never claimed to be intellectually astute. It has always been your uncanny instinct coupled with your outstanding battle prowess which has gotten you through life up to this point. This moment is no exception.

You turn Betty around and face the fast approaching riders, tipping your hat briefly to them before kicking your horse's flanks and charging at them. The look of absolute confusion in the Vigilante men's eyes is something you are sure you will treasure for the rest of your days.

You direct your steed to go right in between theirs against what little sense God gave you. Their guns are drawn, you notice, but they have no intention of firing on you. For whatever reason they want you alive and you have every intention of using this to your advantage.

The moment Betty's head reaches the central point of the opposing mounts; you leap from her back and tackle one of the riders to the ground. You make short work of the man, taking him out with two quick hard hammering fists to the face. His eyes roll into the back of his head and his jaw goes slack.

You roll to your feet, taking the gun from the fallen Vigilante's hand as you rise. Behind you the second rider circles his horse back and starts to gallop toward you. Before you the other two riders approach. You briefly consider where you should focus your attention when you see Betty fly past the two Vigilantes for you. She slows down enough for you to grab hold of the reins and swing up onto her back.

You hear the boom of thunder behind you and hear the whistle of a bullet fly just past your head, a warm breeze slapping you as it speeds by. It would appear they have dropped whatever qualms they had about killing you.

You turn Betty hard to the right just as another shot goes off. The bullet flies past you to land in the lone Vigilante's horse ahead of you. Now you need only worry about the two behind you.

You take aim and fire, watching with satisfaction as your target falls limply from his saddle. Wasting no time, you point the barrel of you acquired pistol on the next Vigilante in line; the gentleman leader of this foursome. His barrel is similarly pointed at you.

You pull the trigger and the two guns explode at the same moment. Suddenly Betty falls and you are thrown from the saddle. You rise to your feet with the agonizing screams of your horse behind you and take aim again as the gentleman closes in on you, apparently your first shot missed its target. You squeeze the trigger and watch with satisfaction as he falls from the back of his horse. You turn around and speak softy to Betty, staring into her big fear clouded black eye. Pointing the barrel at her head, you pull the trigger. The horse stops struggling. It was the least you could do for such a faithful companion.

That's when you hear the gentleman rising to his feet and clutching at his shoulder. You fire on him and watch with satisfaction as he drops again. He does not get up this time.

You take what you can from the bodies, guns and ammunition, water and food rations as well. You mount the horse of one of the fallen men and begin riding off when you pass the fallen horse of one of the Vigilantes to find a living man trapped beneath its weight. This must be the horse that went down by their own guns, you realize before trotting past and tipping your hat to the man. The desert will take care of him, you figure.

You ride off for a few days, mourning the loss of your noble steed Betty, but thankful that you have somehow managed to come out of all of this alive. You move from town to town, not staying anywhere for long until you reach the city of Mablis. It is a northern town bustling with activity. They mass produce weaponry, specializing in firearms. The town is unimaginably wealthy and it doesn't take you long to find work in one of saloons.

The job is okay, but it's just a hold-over. What you're really doing is keeping your eye on a bank nearby. The gold gets picked up every other week; sometimes on Tuesday, sometimes on Wednesday. If you can successfully hit this bank, you'll be set for the rest of your days. Also, there's this blonde that's been hanging around. She's gorgeous and flirtatious. You wonder why no one else tries to take her home.

You wonder how long it will be before you bed her yourself.

You've always had a way with the ladies. Just ask Paco Valdez.

End Of Story