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You charge through your house to your bathroom, headed straight for the toilet while the flames atop your head continue to singe your flesh. The toilet is perfect, you figure. It's a giant bowl filled with water and you can just plunge your head down into it.

You reach the toilet and lift the lid and suppress the urge to vomit as the aroma hits you. You briefly ponder the wisdom behind not flushing the last several times you've shat into it.

It's gross, but if you have to choose between subjecting yourself to disgusting nastiness, and surviving... It's probably better to plunge into the nasty.

You take a deep breath and submerge your head into the thick congealed terd coating that floats atop the surface of the water. The water cools your head, but you feel the rest of your body starting to burn. Perplexed, you pull your head back out of the shit infused water to see a pool of flame within the bowl and all over your body.

Shit is flammable? You wonder aloud. Evidently so. Especialy after it has been sitting there for days at a time, building up air bound chemicals. They never taught you any of this in school. But then again, you never went to school.

Needless to say, you die an agonizing death

That's what you get for not flushing the camode, you nasty fucking crack head.
End Of Story