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You lie there, and pretend to be dead. You hear a large group of footsteps coming your way. You hear a voice speaking.
"...and here we have specimen No. 22734, code name, Spirrok.
Then the penny drops. Like an anvil. You remember who you are. You're Charlie Flagg, a student studying at Joshuigh University. You saw an add in the papers for a human guineapig. It was part of Operation BBP, Bionic Body Parts.
But they didn't treat you well. They drugged you. Used you. You were just an imploment for working on. The name Spirrok was made up of the first names of all the guys you attacked, Stuart, Paul, Ian, Rober, Richard, Orson, and Kennith. They were guards you had tried to get away from. You had become the company's special project. They were trying to make you fully bionic except from your face and chest.
You feel the breath of someone leaning over you. You hold your breath. The man continues. You hear the guy leaning over you straighten.
"Uhh... sir?"
"Uhh... Spirrok's dead sir."
"Not breathing sir."
"Let me see!" You hear his footsteps coming closer.
The man feels your pulse.
Uh-oh. You can't stop your pulse.
"His pulse is still going..."
Now's your chance to escape. In all the commotion. But what if they kill you?

You have 2 choices:

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