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Wild West Adventure

He holds his gun steady at your Senorita, and returns your glare. "This don't concern you, boy."
You just continue staring at him.
"I...I mean it now. go on now ya hear? This 'tween me an' the little lady thar."
You never faulter. You stand there, glaring at him, with your fingers loose, ready to draw your guns.
"C...C...Come on, now. I don't want no trouble with you, boy. This little lady's bin cheatin'. Now you stop that starin' at me, ya hear? I said STOP!" he turns to point the gun at you, and you draw your guns and fire. Your bullets hit the wall behind him - you missed only because Maria pulled hers within a split second, reducing the other one to nothing but a carcass.
"You'd have had him. Thanks for stalling him, I needed time to react. Meet me in room 314 in the Hotel Del Oro." She leaves you with a tender, yet full kiss. Your left spellbounded, in front of a dead man and a room full of onllokers, holding two guns. Best run, before the sheriff get here.
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