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You walk into Charlie's office...
...and come face-to-face with Charlie himself.
"Uhh... um... I uhh-"
"Well look who it is!" he says.
"Uh, yeah, that's the thing. I don't know who it is, so if it's not too much bother I'd like to know."
"Ha! You always were a bit of a joker!"
"No no no, I'm serious."
"Look, I know you're nervous, but you did voluntere."
An image flashes across you're mind. You're standing there making an agreement with Charlie.
"Right, I'm just going to press this alarm, and then-"
Suddenly the whole room shakes, and a shrill, high pitched whine splits the air. Instantly a huge SWAT team burst through the door. You look around for an exit. None.
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