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Hollywood or Bust

Forget it, you think to yourself... Seventy grand is more than enough to get an apartment, and live on for about two years if you play your cards right. Surely you can find some kind of job in L.A. in two years...

You go back to your car and head back to Los Angeles. You find a nice apartment in a decent neighborhood... well, about as decent as you can get in L.A., anyway...

You buy a mini-DV camera and find some actors willing to work for peanuts just to be in a movie. You film the movie, and spend about $40,000 of the money you won in Vegas to get a 35mm print.

Your movie is a big hit at the Sundance Film Festival. Shortly after the festival, your phone is ringing off the hook with work offers.

You have made it...looking back, it seems like it was almost too easy...
End Of Story