Steve-The Text Adventure

You feel as though your about to be torn apart, in the distance over the roar of the power struggle all around you, you can hear Nicole laughing. The pull is unbearable now, but then deep inside you feel the tingle, what is this? "Cheeseburger" From deep inside you, you hear it, it is the sum of everything, it is your infinite self, it is the chosen one. "Cheeseburger!" Your blue Hawaiian shirt begins to glow. Weak at first and then stronger by the second. The tingle explodes inside you "CHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEE BURRRRRRRRRRRRGEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR" you scream! The blue white light explodes out from within your Hawaiian shirt. The caverns of hell shake as the power explodes out, the demons are instantly fried into nothingness you hear Nicole voice raise up "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as she is thrown to the ground unconscious. Burger falls as well, but still conscience. All you friends are speechless as they look up, you are pulled into the air by your chest as the blue white power streams out of you. Suddenly the buttons of your Shirt undo themselves. "My god, the shirt" you think to yourself "the Hawaiian shirt is the chosen one!" "Steve, go." you hear inside yourself, is it the shirt? Is it the chosen one? The tikie shik? Suddenly the Shirt releases you. And you fall towards the pillar. You hit the ground with a thud.

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