You are a PROFESSIONAL Assassin

You pull up outside the building. Your wearing shades and a very convincing wig. Witnesses will be so scared they'll only notice certain features and they will be ones you wont have when the hit is complete.
Your doing this fast, barge in, blow him away with the shotgun, run out get in the car and drive off, not the most professional route but fast and effective.
You get the shotgun and barge through the door, you quickly realise he isn't in the bar! Your slight distraction while you take this in is enough time for the barkeeper to pull out his own gun and take you down. People scream all around you you feel a liquid under you, you know its your blood, everything goes black.
You wonder why you didnt take a more professional route, to much was left to chance, you die from your wounds....

Hit failed
End Of Story