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The Adventures of George W. Bush

Maybe good ol' Vlad will help you out of your dire circumstance! I mean, if you can't count on the Russians, who can you count on, hmm?

You've already got Putin on speed dial so it doesn't take but a few moments for you to reach him. "What?" he says with typical Russian stoicism.

You begin sweating profusely. Damn Russians always make you a little edgy for some reason."I've got problems, Vlad. Big problems..." "Your daddy cut your allowance? What? You can't spend your entire Presidency clearing brush on your ranch in Crawford? What?"

"Well, now that you mention it, those ARE two of my biggest concerns right now. Hehehehehe. But seriously, man. I nuked the French. Hehehehehe." This doesn't seem to phase Putin. "Well that's no big surprise. It's about time someone just went ahead and did it. Everyone knows we were all thinking about it..."

"But dude!" you exclaim in earnest. "They're nukin' me back, partner! Boy howdy! What am I gonna do? I only got like a minute left, dude!" "I guess at this point you might as well find the nearest available female and have sex with her. See you in Hell."

Damn Russians!
End Of Story